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Dance therapy
Maria Fux Method
 w/ Pio Campo
5 & 6 April 2025, Feel2B (Lisboa)

note: this workshop will be held in Portuguese


“Everything dances, everything moves, especially nature, and I am a part of it, just like you. Movement exists even when we are immersed in our breathing, in the sea during a storm, and in the calm waters of a lake, in the traffic of a city or in a Buddhist monk observing his silent steps. The Method is this secure foundation for understanding movement and allowing it to arise from images that Maria created, which have a direct relationship with us, with our inner world and everything we experience in life.”

- Pio Campo.

Dance therapy is an invitation to open others eyes, others ears, and to attune ourselves to a nameless intelligence that permeates, invades, recreates, inhabits, and dances, even with the petals of a flower.”

- Pio Campo.

Dancetherapy is a way of reappropriating body language through creative stimuli that favor the conjunction of movement with the unique and living “feeling” of each human being. The Maria Fux Method is based on the possibility of a change that allows one to step out and gradually let go of rigidity, fear and instability, regardless of their psychic, physical or social state.

The human body is naturally predisposed to movement. The skin, the muscles, the bone structure are a constant invitation to dance and hold a deep capacity for expression, communication and relationship. When, due to illness, trauma, depression or loss of interest, we move away from ourselves and enter the nebulous fields of “not feeling”, dance therapy is a movement of affirmation and recovery of our identity, pleasure, balance... of creation. This practice does not replace clinical, medical or psychological interventions, but complements them by taking other paths linked to affectivity, sensitivity and emotion. In the years dedicated to understanding and deepening this language, Pio Campo was able to cross geographic spaces, age groups, cultures, physiologies and social conditions. He tries to understand the common root that connects each human being to their capacity for expression beyond external and internal barriers of any nature.

"It is undoubtedly an endless journey, but I feel that, in man’s secret and common desire to return to the house of Love, dancetherapy indicates a direction. What guides me is having met human beings that I saw breathing again after long, sometimes infinite, apneas."

- Pio campo

About The Teacher


Pio Campo has spent over thirty years studying and promoting dance as a profound expression of contact with the dimension of creativity present in every human being, regardless of physical, psychological, and social conditions. A disciple of the great Argentine dancer and choreographer Maria Fux, who created a specific path based on the art of body communication and is considered the instigator of a radical change in the history of dance, Pio worked alongside her for three decades, deepening the intimate connection between movement and self-awareness, the ability to relate to oneself, to others, and to the surrounding space. Read the full bio here.


What is dance therapy - in Pio Campo's words

Voices from the dancefloor

Hear the voices that testify to the impact of Pio's work



Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00

Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00 


The price for the 2-day workshop is divided into 3 slots, depending on when you register:

  • First Slot (15 places): 150€  *ongoing*

  • Second Slot (15 places): 170€ 

  • Third Slot (15 places): 200€


- 10 % for Release Members (you can become one by quickly filling up this form)

- 30% for students or people in a situation of unemployment (send us an email with proof of your status to request this discount)

*the discounts are not cumulative



R. Rainha Dona Luísa de Gusmão 4D, 1600-686 Lisboa


To register, fill up this form.

Please note that this workshop will be held in Portuguese.

For any questions, write us to

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